Monday, January 14, 2013

Hershey has a Facebook

Welcome, ladies and gents! Recently, Hershey has discovered a more efficient way to communicate to his followers--Facebook!

The massive social media site first captured Hershey's attention when I, his most trusted companion, was caught creating a page for the little guy. After a minor temper tantrum (Hershey's a bit of an old soul, and a little behind when it comes to technology), I persuaded Hershey to give Facebook a chance. After grumbling about its many not-awesome features ("many" being the key word), Hershey begrudgingly admitted that it would be much easier not to have to write extended posts on a website that nearly no one has seen. Nearly.

Turns out that despite his old-soul ignorance when it comes to technology's advances, Hershey's no old dog--he learned Facebook faster than the time it takes to Google search "adorable kittens" (which is approximately 0.24 seconds).

So, now that Hershey is a newly converted Facebook aficionado, he'd like you to like his page! It's easy enough to remember, as long as you remember Hershey's name:

Look forward to Hershey's new adventures, travels, and photos! Thanks for following!